79 | The End Of An Era
Hey Friends,
In the last newsletter we talked about Florence but today I'm closing the circle as I explored more places in Tuscany. If you have limited time, then I'd recommend 5 places. Here's the video to find out. 🇮🇹
How is this related to the title of my note? Well, this is simple. I've been travelling intensively for over 10 years… and to the same places over and over again. Well, the same countries. 😬
My goal is to visit all 197 countries. Why 197? I explained it here but long story short 193 United Nations + 2 permanent observers (Palestine and Vatican City) + 2 recognised by many countries (Taiwan and Kosovo). This list is widely accepted by the travel community. 🗺️
But how can I get closer if I keep travelling to countries I've already been to? Don't get me wrong, I love every trip but I need to be realistic and plan a bit differently. In fact, I've already started. If everything goes as planned, by the end of this year I'll be reaching my 85th country. Still a long way for the 197 milestone but in the words of Lao Tzu: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” ! 🥾
My dream would be to reach the 197th country on the 4th November 2024, the date I turn 40. It sounds absolutely crazy I know but hey who knows, everything could happen! 🎂
I also plan to document every single country (particularly the new ones) on the channel. 🎥
Surely, there are dangerous countries but I like what Paulo Coelho once said “If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. It’s lethal." 💀
Finally, just wanted to give you a big thanks if you're still reading this weird newsletter, watching my nonsense videos and/or liking any content I make. I spend 40+ hours/week making videos and writing (for free)… in addition to my full time job. 🙏
Why? I don't know yet but I know I'll figure it out by the time I reach the 197th. 🎯
Have a great week!
PS: if you gained value, please share this post with your friends 💌
🐦 This Week’s Tweet

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🎙️ Podcast I'm Enjoying
A Creative Guide To Travel Journaling w/ Lavinia Spalding
By Zero To Travel
You can listen to the full episode here.
Have you ever wished you could get better at documenting your travel experiences?
With the experience of publishing 9 books and teaching writing workshops around the world under her belt, the Award-winning writer, Lavinia explains why all we need is 3 minutes a day and a glue-stick to start successfully documenting our adventures.
🎥 Recent Video
There are many places to visit in Tuscany but these are my top 5 places I recommend right now. Here's the video. If you enjoyed it, please give it a Like and/or Comment, so YouTube can recommend it to more people like you. 🤟
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