58 | Are You A Traveller Or A Tourist?
Hey Friends,
This week, I released a video -> 10 Things You Should NOT Do In Madrid | I'd love to hear your thoughts! 👂 👀
Do you consider yourself a traveller or a tourist? Are you someone looking for the local hotspots, or going for the tourist hubs? What a dilemma. Most of us will play the game and say we're travellers. We'll pretend we experience places as locals and because we travelled so much to the same place, we're now locals (even though we don't live there).
Local and tourist people experience places in strikingly different ways. For example, in London most tourists will visit Oxford Circus, Piccadilly, Buckingham Palace, the Big Ben, St. Paul’s Cathedral, etc. but will probably not end up visiting Blackheath, Lewisham, East Croydon or anything outside of the Zone 1. The same in Madrid and perhaps in any other major city in the world.
On the other hand, locals can go years without ever visiting the tourist traps of central locations. But who is right? It doesn't really matter. Personally I love both worlds. If I have limited time, I become a tourist. Perhaps this FOMO thing. But If I have some extra days/weeks, I become a traveller.
In Madrid I've seen a lot of tourists traps already (don't get me started with London or Paris) but I'm still curious about the traps. I think curiosity is not bad because we then have questions. The power to question is the basis of human progress according to Gandhi. So I feel it's OK to make mistakes, learn and move forward. I'm not here to play the guru who knows all the traps. The list can be endless and please do not listen to me. Trust your gut. Your gut feelings are usually accurate and correct. If you truly feel there’s something, then you might be right.
Have a great week!
PS: if you gained value, please share this post with your friends 💌
🎯 This Week’s Quote
“There is no nightlife in Spain. They stay up late but they get up late. That is not nightlife. That is delaying the day.”
By Ernest Hemingway about Madrid
🐦 This Week’s Tweet

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🎙️ This Week’s Podcast
How I Built The Tim Ferriss Show to 700+ Million Downloads — An Immersive Explanation of All Aspects and Key Decisions
By Tim Ferriss
You can listen to the full episode here.
Tim Ferriss is an American entrepreneur, investor, author, podcaster, and lifestyle guru. He became well-known through his "4-Hour" self-help book series that focused on lifestyle optimisations. He has some of my favourite books and podcasts ever.
✍️ This Week's Blog Post
I’ve been travelling the world for the past 10 years. Madrid is one of the places where I travelled the most and I loved the most. In fact I’ve recently moved from London to Madrid. But I made a lot of mistakes over the years so I want to share with you what to avoid in Madrid.
Read more: Avoid THIS In Madrid!
🎥 This Week's Video
10 things you should not do in Madrid so you can have an authentic and fantastic time in Madrid if you have limited time!? Here's the video.
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