38 | Trajectory or Results?
Hey guys,
This week, I released a video 🎬 about San Juan, Puerto Rico 🚀. This video is about 3 observations I gladly noticed.
Couple of weeks ago when going for a run, I was listening to a podcast where they discussed about success. I tend to shut down these podcasts very quickly as I have very limited faith in the self-help industry. These days I feel there are more scammers than ever before. However, they talked about how to measure success.
Have you ever questioned what the word “success” means for you? For many years, I thought it was about getting a bunch of degrees in respected universities, get a job in a respectable place, make a lot of money and retire early.
When doing an introspection, then I realised this was not my definition, it was just the definition that had been feed to many of us from childhood. This was what people considered important in life.
The older I get, the less worried I am about all that and I feel that I wasted valuable years of my life chasing “the dream”. We can play the motivational coach and say “everything is for a reason”… but we should grab a coffee and discuss for hours about that. I'll keep that for another time.
What it was missing in that success definition was the inside perspective. In other words, what I really care about instead of the outside perspective of what people care.
I've been feeling materially successful but spiritually bankrupt for very long time. The pandemic started to create more opportunities for me to find things I care.
Success to me is simply being able to say that I designed my life. I can partially say that in the last 10 years I designed some elements of my life but not entirely. I still play a game I don't want to play anymore.
As James Clear says, I'd love to focus more on my current trajectory and not my results (as clearly they are not where I want them to be). So for now I'll keep trying 1% better every week.
Have a great week!
PS: if you gained value, please share this post with your friends 💌
🎯 This Week’s Quote
“You should be far more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results.”
Atomic Habits by James Clear
📝 This Week's Blog Post
500 years ago this was an impenetrable fortified city. Today, it’s the capital of one of the most stunning destinations in the Caribbean. There’s 3 things I wanna share with you about my recent trip. Welcome to San Juan in Puerto Rico.
Read more: This is Puerto Rico? Oh, San Juan!
🎥 This Week's Video
Puerto Rico is one of those gems that we should all see at least once in a lifetime. Today, I'll share 3 reasons to visit San Juan. Let's explore together the incredible San Juan in Puerto Rico. Here's the video.
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