22 | Embracing the Unknown
Hey guys,
This week, I released the first part of the video 🎬 Life in London 🇬🇧 vs Buenos Aires 🇦🇷. I talked about weather ☁️, groceries & food 🥫, healthcare systems 🧑🏼⚕️ and time management ⏱️ in both cities. I made few parts funny as comparisons are definitely sensitive. So you might have seen some moments being exaggerated in the interest of keeping a good workflow and balanced story. To be notified when the second part is ready, click here. 🔔
Life abroad is interesting as we simply don't know what life might throw at us. We can try to predict the future but the reality is that only when we get to that bridge, we'll be able to know how to cross it. We can be worried about what the future might bring but the truth is that the present is what matters most.
Things change very quickly, truly in the blink of an eye. I had few times that feeling: “this is crazy, I didn't see it coming, how's this even possible?". And I realised that I could have seen it if I hadn't lived in the future. 🤯
When I think of the unknown, I always try to be prepared to embrace whatever will happen, good or bad, right or wrong, it doesn't matter. In fact, embracing the unknown has always been my key recipe abroad because it allowed me to:
Be prepared for the worst and the best. My confidence to handle ANY situation totally changed. This is something I started to learn in my 20s and definitely took to a new level in my 30s. 👌🏼
Understand I had no control over external factors. Why would I spend energy on things I CANNOT control? It's exhausting and it adds zero value. I CAN control my reactions, and this is what I learnt the hard way. 🕹️
Be humble to accept situations. It's OK to make mistakes, fail and be the “stupid” one from time to time. This happens. I had many wake-up calls when being abroad and acknowledging that in certain situations things are like that, it's fine. The key for me has always been to be positive and humble about those situations. I heard Catherine Pulsifer saying once that “One of the best lessons you can learn in life is to master how to remain calm”. 🧘🏼
Become fearless. Let's be honest. Fear is the one thing that is ALWAYS preventing us from turning our dreams into realities. Fear of failure AND fear of success. Both are always present. But being abroad, certainly put me in a situation for over 10 years of stepping outside of my comfort zone. For relationships, work, education, languages, money, projects and literally anything I can think of. At some point I embraced the fear of being uncomfortable because I simply had no choice. It became a habit. 👊🏼
Have a great week and enjoy the content below!
🎯 This Week’s Quote
“Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement”
Atomic Habits by James Clear
📝 This Week's Blog Post
As an Argentinian who has fallen hard for London (I’m on my 9th year here), I have definitely experienced the best (and worst) of each place. But how’s really life in London and Buenos Aires?
Read more: Life in London vs Buenos Aires – Part I
🎥 This Week's Video
Hey guys, in this video I'll be sharing some key differences between the life in London vs Buenos Aires (Part I). Everything mentioned is before the pandemic.
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